A2P SMS Monetization
Capitalize on the growth of A2P SMS
The growth of the A2P SMS segment represents one of the largest opportunities for MNOs. Capitalize on the market trend and changing consumer patterns by monetizing your A2P SMS traffic. Wondering what monetization projects are exactly?
Monetization projects are initiatives with highest potential for revenue increase, built in a collaborative manner at each phase of the process. Such partnerships focus on leveraging leading technology & machine learning, to increase revenues by a growth in monetizable A2P volumes (eliminating network bypass) and pricing optimization (increasing commercial rates, implementing innovative pricing models), all while decreasing OPEX related to sim-boxes sending off-net traffic.
Such initiatives allow for leveraging expert knowledge and observed global and local best practices, while acting on the matter to capture revenue potential that is currently lost.
A2P SMS Monetization
Best-in-class pricing & flash calling control
With OTTs, enterprises and CPaaS players involved, the A2P SMS space is highly dynamic, meaning operators’ teams must be ready to adapt to all market shifts. Pricing is no exception. Currently, operators globally are setting themselves aside from the “one size fits all” approach. Examples are differentiating international and national rates or creating pricing models based on traffic use-case (creating dedicated products for transactional / 2FA traffic, promotional / marketing traffic and notifications). Whether it is one approach or the other, our technology provides the platform for any such innovating pricing model.
Further, large aggregators are promoting flash call (missed call) verification. Due to lower prices, OTTs started leveraging flash calls and experts see a large increase in adoption in the near-term. VOX 360 is able to control such calls, from detection to pricing and billing, creating an official channel for flash calls and therefore ensuring full A2P SMS monetization
A2P SMS Monetization
Improve customer experience
Operators globally are subject to the rising challenges of artificial traffic and SMS trashing. The later triggers part of legitimate SMS traffic to be stopped by rogue aggregators before reaching your network, causing a lower volume of A2P SMS to monetize, but also mobile users that do not receive the OTPs requested.
Conversely, artificial traffic relates to a volume of A2P SMS generated by rogue parties to bill OTTs without a legitimate request from a real end user within your network. While fraudsters also utilize active number ranges, sometimes mobile users receive traffic which they did not receive, damaging consumer trust. Our technology first ensures unsolicited traffic is identified and stopped before reaching your users, while partnering with VOX Solutions ensures SMS trashing is reduces.
A2P SMS Firewall Solution
VOX360 technology platform
VOX360 is a Managed Service that drives immediate revenue increase by actively monitoring in-out flows, using traffic admission policies, limiting unauthorized service use. This happens while boosting security, compliance, and cost reduction efforts through up-to-date systems, using cutting-edge proprietary AI technologies, industry best practices, and methodologies and dedicated personnel with extensive experience in A2P fraud detection/prevention and monetization.
We return control of its network to MNOs through our powerful tools like Traffic Control Complete oversight. This ensures sustainability of your A2P business segment as you can extract revenue from your customer base.
On top of that, our class-leading Grey Route Analysis features always-on capabilities, ensuring that your important content terminates exactly where you need it to.
Vox360 Technology Platform
The VOX Customer Journey
Establish a partnership Solution Implementation
This entails a free network assessment & market analysis, defining a customized commercial model, and defining high-level solution deployment.
Solution Implementation
Signoff detailed technical deployment, is followed by deployment of the VOX solution including VOX analytics & reporting; configuring the VOX AI engine with as much data as possible (2-4 weeks of traffic learning); apply to filter & protect network; sign-off testing; go live; handover to operation and activate billing.
Operation & Support
This involves 24/7 Monitoring, traffic management; rules management & update; block fraudulent traffic; and incident management. For every client we dedicate a NOC & Fraud Protection Team that performs Systems monitoring, traffic monitoring and alarms handling, Management of Firewall, spot fraud & update rules, filters, and more.
Operation & Support Partnership & Management
A quarterly/bi-annual business review (of traffic & pricing) and service review, analysis of escalation management, and change management.
Vox Solutions Whitepaper
Whitepaper on How to Protect A2P SMS Revenues
Download the free whitepaper that we released together with the Mobilesquared research team about how the MNOs are planning to continue fight fraud and manage grey-route A2P SMS traffic. Learn how new generation technology is helping to monetize leaking revenues and how Vox Solutions could help increase MNOs revenues with a modern business model for the next decade. Download the whitepaper here…